Gaggia Cadorna: Error Codes and Meanings
Learn what the error codes mean and how to resolve them on Gaggia Cadorna super-automatic espresso machines. Valid for the Cadorna Barista Plus, Cadorna Milk, and Cadorna Prestige.
Note: The following video covers the most common error codes. Error codes 10, 11, 14, 19, and 20 are associated with either the main board or the heating circuit which can require higher technical knowledge to diagnose and repair. A copy of the service manual is attached at the bottom of this article for those that are comfortable with more in-depth, self guided home repairs. Otherwise, we recommend setting up a repair request for professional service.
Gaggia Cadorna: Error Codes and Meanings
Associated Parts:
- Gaggia Decalcifier Liquid Descaler
- Gaggia Brew Group Service Kit
- Gaggia Coffee Clean Tablets
- Urnex Rinza Milk Frother Cleaner 32 oz
Failure of normal wear and tear items such as group gaskets, seals, and shower screens are not covered under warranty. Issues due to scale build-up or lack of maintenance are not covered.
If you would like to have one of our skilled technicians repair your machine, click the link