How To

How to Clean an Espresso Machine the Right Way

How to Clean an Espresso Machine the Right Way

by Ben Coleman 14 min read

I once asked my colleague and espresso expert Bryan what the best espresso machine was.  His response? “The one that’s well cared for.” (For his actual thoughts on the best...

Hiking Coffee: How to Brew for Your Trek Through the Woods

Hiking Coffee: How to Brew for Your Trek Through the Woods

by Ben Coleman 4 min read

Photography by Grace Walker The best hikes and backpacking trips start early—the cool, fresh air of morning and a good cup of coffee are the perfect way to wake yourself...

Freezing Coffee Beans: Freshness & Peak Brewing Conditions

Freezing Coffee Beans: Freshness & Peak Brewing Conditions

by Ben Coleman 5 min read

The idea that putting coffee in the freezer will help preserve it has been around for quite some time. In fact, I can remember my mom storing her pre-ground, store-bought...

Hosting a Summer Party: Espresso Edition

Hosting a Summer Party: Espresso Edition

by Ben Coleman 5 min read

Summer is nearly here, which means it’s the perfect time to break out the string lights and hot dogs and get ready to host an outdoor party! Let’s be honest...

Keep Your Coffee Corner Clean

Keep Your Coffee Corner Clean

by Ben Coleman 1 min read

You wouldn't believe how many of the maintenance calls we get are solved simply by ensuring one's machine or grinder is kept clean. To help facilitate this (and maybe give...

Super-Automatic Espresso Machine Cleaning: How & How Often?

Super-Automatic Espresso Machine Cleaning: How & How Often?

by Ben Coleman 4 min read

Fully automatic espresso machines are all about convenience—you push a button and are delivered a delicious espresso beverage in mere moments. This convenience is present when it comes time to...

How to Clean a Coffee Maker

How to Clean a Coffee Maker

by Ben Coleman 4 min read

If you’ve noticed some odd-tasting coffee coming out of your drip coffee maker, it might be time to do a deep clean of your machine.  Don’t worry: cleaning your coffee...

Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine Cleaning: How & How Often?

Semi-Automatic Espresso Machine Cleaning: How & How Often?

by Ben Coleman 5 min read

I once asked my colleague and espresso expert Bryan what the best semi-automatic espresso machine was.  His response? “The one that’s well cared for.”  Turns out it doesn’t matter if...

How to Keep Your Espresso or Coffee Grinder Cleaner

How to Keep Your Espresso or Coffee Grinder Cleaner

by Ben Coleman 4 min read

Just like an espresso machine, it’s important to clean your coffee grinder on a regular basis. It doesn’t matter if you have a conical burr or flat burr coffee grinder,...

Espresso Recipes to Boost Your Brunch

Espresso Recipes to Boost Your Brunch

by Ben Coleman 5 min read

Spring is brunch season, and—if you want your spread to stand out—you’re going to want to move beyond the basic when it comes to the beverages you serve your guests. ...

Baratza Encore Cleaning—How & How Often?

Baratza Encore Cleaning—How & How Often?

by Ben Coleman 3 min read

Even the most expensive grinders need cleaning—Baratza encores are no different. Luckily, the Baratza Encore is exceptionally easy to clean: it requires no tools other than the cleaning brush that...

How to Build Your Home Espresso Bar From Scratch

How to Build Your Home Espresso Bar From Scratch

by Joshua Apisdorf 10 min read

Starting out as a fledgling barista can be daunting! If you’ve done even a bit of research into coffee gear, you’ve seen how pricey it can get. You also might...