Support Articles
Gaggia Cadorna: How to Use Menus and Customize Drinks
Learn how to use the menus and program the Gaggia Cadorna Barista Plus, Cadorna Milk and Cadorna Prestige. In the following video, you will take a deeper dive into the...
Gaggia Cadorna: How to Make Milk Drinks
Learn how to make milk drinks on the Gaggia Cadorna Barista Plus, Cadorna Milk and Cadorna Prestige, as well as how to dispense hot water on each model and use...
Gaggia Cadorna: Using Pre-ground Coffee
Learn how to use pre-ground coffee in the bypass doser of the Gaggia Cadorna Barista Plus, Cadorna Milk and Cadorna Prestige. Pro Tip: The majority of errors encountered when using...
Gaggia Cadorna Prestige: Difficulty Frothing
Learn what to do if you're having difficulty frothing or steaming with the milk carafe, getting no milk from the carafe, or if the carafe is spitting or not producing...
Gaggia Cadorna: Clean, Calibrate and Replace the Grinder
Learn how to diagnose grinder issues, clean the grinder, calibrate and replace if needed. Step-by-step instructions to access the grinder. This video is valid for all Gaggia Cadorna machine models:...
Gaggia Cadorna Prestige: No Crema or Bad Tasting Espresso Shots
Learn what to do when your Gaggia Cadorna Prestige is producing shots with limited or no crema, or if your shots are too bitter, too sour, or taste weak. No...
Gaggia Cadorna: Drip Tray, Dreg Drawer and Brew Unit Maintenance
Learn how to maintain the drip tray, dreg drawer, and brew unit for the Gaggia Cadorna Barista Plus, Cadorna Milk and Cadorna Prestige, as well as how to lubricate and...
Gaggia Cadorna Prestige: Brew Unit Stuck, E03 Error Code or E04 Error Code
Learn what to do if the brew unit in your Gaggia Cadorna Prestige is stuck, or if the display is showing an E03 error code or E04 error code. Brew...
Gaggia Cadorna and Velasca: Micro-switches and Sensors
Learn the location of micro-switches and sensors on all Gaggia Cadorna and Gaggia Velasca models. By tricking the sensors, it's possible to solve problems like not being able to insert...
Gaggia Accademia: Boiler Spout Cleaning
Learn how to access and clean the boiler spout on the Gaggia Accademia. If you're experiencing squeaking or leaking behind the brew group, or no flow to the brew group,...
Profitec Pro 300: Electrical/Control System Overview
Learn about the internal electrical components of the Profitec Pro 300 semi-automatic espresso machine. Profitec Pro 300: Overview of the Electrical/Control System ||||support-video~~QzwOZRhPfoA||||
Bezzera DUO: Remove Housing and Drain the Boiler
Learn how to remove the housing and drain the boiler of a Bezzera DUO MN or DUO DE espresso machine. ||||support-video~~yvT3Fi74DGY|||| Bezzera Duo MN & DE: How to Remove Housing...