Support Articles
Gaggia Velasca: Descaling Cycle Frequency
Learn how often you should descale your Gaggia Velasca based on the hardness of your water. Descaling Cycle Frequency Hardness Water Hardness Without Water Filter Not Reactivating the Filter 1...
Gaggia Velasca: Error Codes and Meanings
Learn what the error codes mean and how to resolve them on Gaggia Velasca super-automatic espresso machines. Valid for the Velasca and Velasca Prestige. Gaggia Velasca: Error Codes and Meanings...
Gaggia Velasca and Velasca Prestige: Steam Out Procedure
Learn how to perform a steam out procedure to drain the boiler of the Gaggia Velasca and Velasca Prestige espresso machines. Gaggia Velasca: Steam Out Procedure ||||support-video~~6VX5EKkhK0s||||
How to Resolve E61 Group Head Not Hot Enough or Too Cold
Learn how to diagnose and solve potential issues resulting in the E61 group head not heating up on your espresso machine. Your machine's E61 group is not connected to the...
ECM Synchronika: Adjust Brew Pressure and OPV
Learn how to adjust brew pressure on the ECM Synchronika espresso machine and the purpose of the OPV/expansion valve. Plus, why the group pressure gauge may indicate higher pressure on...