Support Articles
Gaggia Cadorna Barista Plus: Descale Cycle Frequency
Learn how often you should descale your Gaggia Cadorna Barista Plus depending on water hardness and whether or not a water filter is installed. Descaling Cycle Frequency Hardness Water Hardness...
Gaggia Cadorna: Error Codes and Meanings
Learn what the error codes mean and how to resolve them on Gaggia Cadorna super-automatic espresso machines. Valid for the Cadorna Barista Plus, Cadorna Milk, and Cadorna Prestige. Note: The...
Gaggia Velasca: Making Coffee Drinks
Learn how to brew coffee drinks on the Gaggia Velasca and Velasca Prestige, as well as how to use the bypass doser for preground coffee. How to Make Coffee Drinks...
Gaggia Velasca: Making Milk Drinks
Learn how to make milk drinks using the steam wand on the Gaggia Velasca, as well as how to clean the steam wand and how to pour a cortado. How...
Gaggia Velasca: Clean, Calibrate, or Replace the Grinder
Learn how to diagnose grinder issues, clean the grinder, calibrate and replace if needed. Step by step instructions to access the grinder. Video is valid for the Gaggia Velasca and...
Gaggia Velasca Prestige: Cold Espresso Shots or E14 Error Code
Learn what to do if your Gaggia Velasca Prestige is producing cold espresso shots or coffee, or if it is displaying an E14 error code on the display. Cold Shots...
Gaggia Velasca Prestige: No Crema or Bad Tasting Espresso Shots
Learn what to do when your Gaggia Velsaca Prestige is producing shots with limited or no crema, or if your shots are too bitter, too sour, or taste weak. No...
Gaggia Velasca: Stuck Brew Group
Learn how to diagnose and repair a stuck brew group on Gaggia Velasca models. Gaggia Velasca Models: Stuck Brew Group ||||support-video~~nZ_LKGkQ00E||||
Gaggia Velasca: Drip Tray, Dreg Drawer and Brew Group Maintenance
Learn how to maintain the drip tray, dreg drawer, and brew group for the Gaggia Velasca and Velasca Prestige, as well as how to understand maintenance alerts. Drip Tray, Dreg...
Gaggia Velasca Prestige: Display Screen Symbol Meanings
Learn what each display screen symbol means on the Gaggia Velasca Prestige. Velasca Prestige Display Screen Symbols If you see a symbol displayed on the screen of your Gaggia Velasca...
Gaggia Velasca: How to Descale
Learn how to descale your Gaggia Velasca, as well as why it is so important to descale. On Descaling To keep your super-automatic in tip-top shape, it's important to perform...
Gaggia Velasca: Descaling Cycle Frequency
Learn how often you should descale your Gaggia Velasca based on the hardness of your water. Descaling Cycle Frequency Hardness Water Hardness Without Water Filter Not Reactivating the Filter 1...