Rocket Espresso Appartamento
The Rocket Espresso Appartamento features a heat exchange boiler, E61 group head, and an integrated dual pre-infusion system. Powerful steaming pressure, a large reservoir, and cutout panels help the Appartamento stand out as stylish and efficient.
Startup And Use
- Flow Control
Regular Maintenance
- Regular Wear Items
- Steam
- Group Head
- Housing Removal
- Group
- Hot Water
- Steam
- Too Much Flow
- Pump
- On Steam Gauge
- From Steam Wand
- On Group Gauge
- Pump Sounds
- Squeaks
- Boiler
- Group
- From Steam Wand
- From Water Wand
- From Group
- Steam Valve
- Water Valve
- Group Head
- Flow Control
- Light Out
- Tripping Breaker
Error Codes
- Error Codes
- Diagrams And Manuals
Flow Control
Where To Set
Recommendations on where to set the flow control.
How To Install
Step-by-step guide on installing the flow control.
Group Head
Maintenance And Rebuild
Steps for maintaining and rebuilding the group head.
Steps for maintaining the group head.
Gasket And Shower Screen
Instructions for replacing the group head gasket and shower screen.
Information on backflushing your espresso machine
No Pump Sound
There is no flow from the group head and the pump is not making any noise
Strange Pump Sound
There is no flow from the group head and the pump is sound different from normal
Normal Pump Sound
There is no flow from the grouphead and the pump sounds normal
Hot Water
No Pressure On Gauge
There is no flow from the hot water wand and the steam pressure gauge reads zero
Pressure On Gauge But No Water
There is no or low flow from the hot water wand and the steam pressure gauge reads normally
No Pressure On Gauge
There is no flow from the steam wand and the steam pressure gauge reads zero
Pressure Drops Quickly
There is flow from the steam wand initially, but it drops quickly
Pressure On Gauge But No Steam
There is no or low flow from the steam wand and the steam pressure gauge reads normally
When trying to brew there is no pump pressure
Too Low
When trying to brew the pump pressure is too low
Too High
When trying to brew the pump pressure is too high
How To Adjust
Information on how to make adjustments to the pump pressure
Won't Adjust
When trying to adjust the pump the pressure does not change
From Steam Wand
Too Low
The pressure from the steam wand is too low
There is no pressure from the steam wand
The pressure from the steam wand is fluctuating
Pump Sounds
Quieter Than Usual
The pump is quieter than normal during operation.
The pump sound is inconsistent or fluctuates.
From Valve Knob
The valve knob squeaks when moved.
From Group Lever
The group lever squeaks when moved.
From Group
When Hot
The group head leaks when the machine is hot.
The group head leaks at all times.
While Brewing
The group head leaks while pulling a shot.
Steam Valve
Maintenance instructions for the steam valve.
Knob Hard To Move
The steam valve knob is hard to move.
Water Valve
Maintenance instructions for the water valve.
Knob Hard To Move
The water valve knob is hard to move.
Group Head
Maintenance instructions for the group head.
Lever Hard To Move
The group lever is hard to move.
Flow Control
Doesn't Move
The flow control does not move.
Hard To Move
The flow control is hard to move.
Just Keeps Spinning
The flow control keeps spinning without stopping.
Tripping Breaker
The breaker trips Immediately upon powering on.
When Pump Runs
The breaker trips when the pump is running.
When Boiler Heats
The breaker trips when the boiler is heating.
The breaker trips intermittently.
Burning Or Melting Plastic
There is a burning or melting plastic smell when the breaker trips.
When Brew Boiler Heats
The breaker trips when the brew boiler is heating.
When Steam Boiler Heats
The breaker trips when the steam boiler is heating.
Diagrams And Manuals
Technical diagrams of the machine.
Internal Components Overview
Overview of internal machine components.